Friday, January 20, 2012

Moving Forward

Haven't posted in a while... been dealing with a lot since my last post... My thoughts and mindset of LIFE in a whole is changing daily.  One day you think you get a decent understanding of LIFE, then you are side-swipped with a tragedy and/or a crisis... What do you do when you're faced with situation like the lost of a loved one or dealing with crisis at your home, church or job???

I would come from just from a spiritual perspective this time, but I won't....  I wanna also come from a natural/human perspective... Many people who know me often question why am I so calm in high-traumatic/stressful occurrences.  Well, because of what I've endured in life thus far, I've acquired an interesting mindset when it comes to LIFE (and death).

You see, everyone here has a purpose in life... a season...a time. Some may know what it is and some don't... For those who know there purpose, season or time may operate in a different sphere and mindset than someone who doesn't.  Their composure, posture and disposition are different cause they are clearly aware of what they're here on earth for and when they have fulfilled their purpose, season or time they TRANSITION.

Some people find it hard to deal with the loss of a loved one, but for me although it gets tough at times,  I generally accept the reality and do my best to MOVE FORWARD.  Moving forward is not easy, but it's necessary especially for those who know and understand their purpose, season or time...  All of us know the saying "Life is too short..." well, IT IS!!!

We must understanding the BIGGER PICTURE and operate with the knowing that we must fulfill our purpose.  Now, if you don't know your purpose I encourage you to take time to figure it out, cause without that awareness you will find yourself dealing with an emptiness and living a life with no direction.


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